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Rumour has it...



7/15/2019 8:04:52 PM PT | Comments


Brett here.... I don't see an old contract, so I suppose not... will need ELC when that gets opened after the draft

7/16/2019 6:16:12 AM PT

Actually!!! I don't see when he was even drafted!!! Anyone have an idea about that?!?!

7/16/2019 6:18:34 AM PT

he was drafted in season 10. however season 10 doesn't have the full draft page working.. but jets drafted him in last round

7/16/2019 6:24:57 AM PT

woo hoo!!! just weird for some reason I don't have it in my email..

7/16/2019 9:51:05 AM PT

Wow what a mess that is! likely because I don't have the history of it in my email! and not sure what TBD was all about. So have a feeling he will be look at when it's time to enter rookie contracts.. can you imagine getting him on ELC at those ratings??

7/16/2019 10:04:33 AM PT

so good to see I have somewhere to add names if needed.

7/16/2019 12:07:59 PM PT

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